Sunday, August 15, 2010

Look at her. Do you see it? Her eyes are shut tight and she's letting go with every inch of her body. She knows without a doubt he won't drop her. I don't know what makes her so sure. Who knows what he's capable of doing or done. And her, what has she done to him? Nothing? Maybe but maybe not. No one knows and to watch her is like watching an ant. Where is it going and why?  The brain of someone in love is a little unpriortized. But the brain of a lover with more then one partner is always ploting. So is it that she closes her eyes because she wants to feel the moment without spoiling it with her sences? Or is it she doesn't want to show guilt when he looks at her in the eyes?

There is so much that an outsider sees. It doesn't mean anything. It's like watching a movie without sound. You may think you can read their emotions but the more you can understand, the more they seem to be tricking you.

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